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Eurecnet - Eurec-Partners


EUREC Co-ordinator

  • François CHAPUIS

    Porte 16 - Hôpital Hôtel Dieu
    F - 69288 Lyon Cedex 02
    Phone: +33 - 0 - 4 72 11 57 07
    Fax: +33 - 0 - 4 72 11 57 11
    e-mail: francois.chapuis@chu-lyon.fr

Co-ordinator EUREC Website and Databases


    Managing Director
    German Reference Center for Ethics in the Life Sciences
    Bonner Talweg 57
    D - 53113 Bonn
    Phone: +49 - 228 - 336419 30
    Fax: +49 - 228 - 336419 40
    e-mail: lanzerath@drze.de

Members of EUREC Core Group

  • Arantxa SANCHO

    Hospital Universitario
    Puerta de Hierro
    San Martin de Porres 4
    ES - 28035 Madrid

  • Michael BONE

    The Association of Research Ethics Committees (AREC)
    Office Suite 3
    Houghton Business Centre
    Lake Road
    Houghton le Spring
    Tyne & Wear
    DH5 8BJ
    United Kingdom
    Phone: +44 - 191 - 5 84 82 87
    Fax: +44 - 191 - 5 84 03 82
    e-mail: michaelbone@btinternet.com

  • Michael FUCHS

    Institut für Wissenschaft und Ethik
    Bonner Talweg 57
    D - 53113 Bonn
    Phone: +49 - 228 - 336419 21
    Fax: +49 - 228 - 336419 50
    e-mail: fuchs@iwe.uni-bonn.de

  • Eugenijus GEFENAS

    Lithuanian Bioethics Committee
    Didzioji str. 22
    LT - 01128 Vilnius
    Phone: +370 - 5 - 21 24 565
    e-mail: eugenijus.gefenas@mf.vu.lt

  • Jozef GLASA

    Slovak Medical University
    Limbova st. 12
    SK - 83303 Bratislava
    Phone: +421 - 2 - 593 694 72
    Fax: +421 - 2 - 593 695 06
    e-mail: jozef.glasa@szu.sk

  • Ritva HALILA

    National Advisory Board on Health Care Ethics
    Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
    P.O. Box 33 (Kirkkokatu 14, Helsinki)
    FI-00023 Government, Finland
    Phone: +358 - 9 - 160 738 34
    Fax: +358 - 9 - 160 743 12
    e-mail: ritva.halila@stm.fi


    Dutch Association of Research Ethics Committees
    Wildwal 1
    NL - 7213 BE Gorssel
    Phone: +31 - 575 - 493 172
    Fax: +31 - 575 - 492 106
    e-mail: jensma.gorssel@wxs.nl

  • Dominique SPRUMONT

    University of Neuchâtel
    Avenue du 1er Mars 26
    CH - 2000 Neuchâtel
    Phone: +41 - 32 - 718 12 80
    Fax: +41 - 32 - 718 12 81
    e-mail: Dominique.Sprumont@unifr.ch


    Chairman of the Center of Bioethics of the Supreme Medical Council
    Medical University of Warsaw
    Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology
    Ul. Banacha 1 A
    02-097 Warszawa, Poland
    Phone: +48 - 22 - 5992970
    Fax: +48 - 22 - 5991975
    e-mail: mczark@gmail.com


    Vorsitzender des Arbeitskreises Medizinischer Ethik-Kommissionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
    Arbeitskreis Medizinischer Ethik-Kommissionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
    Ottostr. 12
    50859 Köln
    Phone: +49 - 2234 - 99 32 37
    Fax: +49 - 2234 - 99 32 39
    e-mail: med.ethik.komm@netcologne.de

  • Francesca VENTURINI

    Clinical Pharmacy Manager
    Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona
    Servicio di Farmacia
    Ospedale Civile Maggiore
    P. le Stefani, 1
    37126 Verona, Italy
    Phone: +39 - 045 - 8122102
    Fax: +39 - 045 - 8122031

  • Gisela DAHLQUIST

    Professor of Pediatrics
    Umeå Universitet
    SE-901 85 Umeå
    Phone: +46 - 90 - 785 38 76
    Fax: +46 - 90 - 12 37 28
    e-mail: gisela.dahlquist@pediatri.umu.se

  • Kieran RYAN

    Surgical Research Manager
    Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
    121 St. Stephen´s Green
    Dublin 2
    e-mail: Kieran_ryan2@hotmail.com

  • Peter REHAK

    Head of the Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering & Computing
    Medical University of Graz
    Department of Surgery
    Auenbruggerplatz 29
    A-8036 Graz
    Phone: +43 - 316 - 385 - 2817
    Fax: +43 - 316 - 385 - 7419
    e-mail: peter.rehak@medunigraz.at

Contact: eurec@eurecnet.org