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Eurecnet - Welcome to EUREC

Welcome to EUREC

European Network of Research Ethics Committees - EUREC

EUREC is a network of national networks and associations of Research Ethics Committees (RECs) in Europe. The network aims at the development of high quality standards in clinical trials in order to protect human subjects.

Therefore the members of EUREC commit themselves to create this network in order to

  • facilitate exchanges of knowledge, know-how and information
  • disseminate training materials among members of RECs, and
  • conduct research on characteristics of biomedical research conducted on human beings.

The EUREC-website provides information on

  • activities of the different RECs in European countries,
  • the implementation of European directives in national law and concrete trial proposals,
  • the legislation concerning medical trials,
  • the organisation of national networks of RECs, and
  • national debates concerning research ethics.

EUREC assists to learn how European cross-national trials can be realized without striking national law nor European directives.

EUREC was launched in January 2005 with the commencement of the EUREC Declaration: html / pdf

Contact: eurec@eurecnet.org