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Eurecnet - Training Material

Training Materials

English and Portuguese Research Ethics Training Programs

Type of training/training methods

On-line training (lectures, case studies, self-test multiple choice questions).

Target audience

All the interested parties, the target groups are not specified.

External Link


National, International and Professional Training Material for Ethics in Research

In 2003 a Study on National, International and Professional Training Material for Ethics in Research has been undertaken by the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (Deutsches Refererenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften; below: DRZE) on behalf of the European Commission. The results of the study include a list of all analysed material in the shape of an Access database, a list of selected country profiles and a summary of the main findings from research and analysis. The study ran for a period of nine months and was concluded at the end of August 2003 (Contract No. SAS5-CT-2002-30048).

Training material database

List of Training materials (PDF)


Québec Tutorial in Research Ethics

In carrying out the Plan d'action ministériel en éthique de la recherche et en intégrité scientifique (ministerial action plan regarding research ethics and scientific integrity), the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) (or Ministry of Health and Social Services), commissioned GroupeFEE to develop a training program in research ethics.

This online tutorial was developed specifically for research ethics board (REB) members and support staff who work in the institutions of the Québec health and social services network. While the on-line tutorial deals with numerous pertinent national- and international-level issues and texts in the regulation of ethical research, it focuses on those issues and texts that are of particular concern in the Québec context.

External Link


The Vienna School of Clinical Research (Austria)

Type of training/training methods

Training courses (lectures, workshops) on different topics related to clinical research. ("The course modules have been designed to offer as broad a range of subjects within clinical research to as many different disciplines working within this field as possible").

Target audience

Investigative Staff - Physicians, Nurses and Support Staff
Industry Personnel - Clinical Research Associates, Industry Physicians
Ethics Committee Members
Healthcare Decision Makers

External Link


The World Medical Associations E-learning Courses

This website is meant to give you as a doctor/physician an opportunity to take some important courses via internet. All the courses are free of charge. When you finish a course you will receive a course certificate by e-mail within a few days.

Two courses are offered:
  • Doctors working in prison: human rights and ethical dilemmas
  • Fundamentals of Medical Ethics

External Link


Contact: eurec@eurecnet.org