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Eurecnet - Training material details

Training material details

Ethics of the use of human subjects in research. Practical guide

Author(s): Shamoo, Adil E.; Khin-Maung Gyi, Felix A.
Document type: Book
Year: 2002
Pages: 120
Source: Publishing house: Garland Science Publishing
Language(s): English


National background: United States
Category: Non-EU Training Material for Research Ethics
Subject areas: Human experimentation
Content: Case studies; Ethical theories; Important codes; Legal background; Normative reflections
Issues touched: Autonomy, respect, informed consent, subjects unable to consent, role of representatives Beneficence, non-maleficence, risk for the subject Justice, benefits/burdens, research without benefit for the subject, placebos/standard therapy; Protection of privacy, data protection, biological material Vulnerable groups, soldiers, prisoners, pregnant women, elderly people; Ethics committees, research protocols
Audience: Laboratory workers; Members of ethics committees; Scientists; Students of natural sciences
Classification remarks: Intended for IRB members, researcher and students in clinical research the book gives an overview of the key problems and concepts of ethics of research involving human beings. The book is structured in 10 chapters each of which starting with a list of "learning objectives" and ending with a mulitple choice section (answers at the end of the book) and a list of references for further reading.


Theoretical quality remarks: The presentation of the legal background is limited to US regulations. The presentation of important codes is rather brief and focuses on a historical prespective. Utilitariansim and Kantianism as well as some other ethical theories are briefly mentioned. Some case studies are presented without further comments A protocol for ethical decision making is given.
Didactical quality: Didactically prepared material
Didactical quality remarks: Each chapter starts with a list of learning objectives and ends with a multiple choice section (answers at the end of the book)
Overall estimation: worth considering
Estimation remarks: The book provides a good overview of some central issues of the ethics of research involving human subjects. Due to it's interactive structure it might be a good workbook for self-study. However, ethical theories are only very briefly discussed. Some more details on "background theories" might be useful to get a more complete overview of the ethics of research involving human subjects.

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