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Training material details

Ethical issues in scientific research: an anthology

Author(s): Erwin, Edward; Gendin, Sidney; Kleiman, Lowell (Eds.)
Document type: Book
Year: 1994
Pages: 413
Source: Publishing house: Garland Publishing
Language(s): English


National background: United States
Category: Non-EU Training Material for Research Ethics
Subject areas: Animal experimentation; Ethical research (fraud and misconduct); Human experimentation; Other: genetic research
Focus: Main focus; Indicate areas of research dealt with: biomedical experimentation on humans, animal research, genetic research, social scientific research
Content: Ethical theories; Normative reflections
Audience: General/not specified; Students of natural sciences
Classification remarks: A collection of articles previously published in scientific jounrnals on ethical issues in scientific research. The articles are grouped under six chapter headings: "Science and Values", "Fraud and Deception in Scientific Research", "Experimentation on Humans", "Animal Research", "Genetic Research", and "Controversial Research Topics".


Theoretical quality remarks: The collected articles represent important contributions on the field of research ethics, some of them are rather extended.
Didactical quality: Material collection only
Overall estimation: worth considering
Estimation remarks: Some important and interesting articels are collected in this anthology dealing with a number of relevant issues in research ethics. The anthology covers the period betwenn 1960 and 1990; science research ethics has become more and more relevant in the last decade important developments are not covered.

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