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Eurecnet - Training material details

Training material details

Doing right. A practical guide to ethics for medical trainees and physicians

Author(s): Hébert, Philip C.
Document type: Book
Year: 1996
Pages: 220
Source: Publishing house: Oxford University Press
Language(s): English


National background: CA
Category: Non-EU Training Material for Research Ethics
Subject areas: Human experimentation
Focus: Sub-focus: medical ethics; Indicate area of research dealt with: biomedical research involving human subjects
Content: Case studies; Cultural specifics; Ethical theories; Important codes; Legal background; Normative reflections
Issues touched: Autonomy, respect, informed consent, subjects unable to consent, role of representatives; Beneficence, non-maleficence, risk for the subject; Vulnerable groups, soldiers, prisoners, pregnant women, elderly people
Audience: medical trainees and physicians
Classification remarks: Main focus lies on medical ethics; the chapter about research ethics has only seven pages


Theoretical quality remarks: Very short passage on research ethics, merely theoretical considerations
Didactical quality: Didactically prepared material
Overall estimation: worth considering

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